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SOSD: A Lifeline for Singapore's Stray Dogs – Through the Eyes of theAsianPawrent

As TheAsianPawrent community, we believe that every animal deserves to be happy and loved. Our journey with SOSD Singapore has deepened this conviction, revealing the harsh realities faced by stray dogs and the incredible impact that a committed community can make.

The Urgency of Saving Our Strays

Despite some progress in animal welfare, Singapore’s rapid urbanization continues to push stray dogs into increasingly precarious situations. Strays are often caught in the crossfire of development, with their natural habitats disappearing and their lives at risk. The sad reality is that culling, while controversial, is still a common practice, driven by the pressures of urbanization. But there is hope—hope in the form of dedicated individuals who refuse to accept this as the only solution.

This is where SOSD steps in. A passionate group of volunteers, feeders, and rescuers from all walks of life, SOSD is united by a common mission: to eliminate cruelty and abandonment of animals, enhance their welfare, and improve the lives of both animals and humans through rescue, education, and advocacy.

A Community United by Compassion

Source: SoSD Singapore Documentation 
Source: SoSD Singapore Documentation 

At TheAsianPawrent, we’ve witnessed firsthand how SOSD’s tireless efforts have transformed the lives of countless stray dogs. Their work is grounded in compassion—a deep-seated belief that every dog deserves a chance at a better life. Whether it’s through advocating against culling, educating the public, or rescuing and rehoming these vulnerable animals, SOSD is making a tangible difference every day.

Their Mission

Source: SoSD Singapore Documentation 
Source: SoSD Singapore Documentation 

The mission of SOSD is clear and unwavering: “To eliminate cruelty and abandonment of animals, enhance their welfare, and improve the lives of animals and humans through rescue, education, and advocacy.” Every action they take is driven by a deep commitment to being the voice of our homeless strays, championing their cause, and working tirelessly to bring about positive change in their lives.

Their Objectives

At SOSD, they are united by a common passion and conviction to stand up for stray dogs, advocating for their rights, and working towards their integration and acceptance in society. Their primary mission is to save street dogs and give them a chance at life, ensuring that each one finds a refuge—a home where they are dearly loved and cared for.

Key Areas of Focus of SOSD

SOSD’s efforts are centred around these key areas:

1. Advocate & Educate

Source: TheAsianPawrent Documentation at Handlebar
Source: TheAsianPawrent Documentation at Handlebar

SOSD is committed to advocating against the culling of street dogs and for changes to stray management policies. Their advocacy is grounded in compassion for the strays, who often lead harsh and miserable lives due to urban development and human negligence.

While they understand that not everyone may be an animal lover, there is no justification for the abuse that stray dogs often endure. SOSD continually advocates against such cruelty and educates the public on how to interact with stray dogs in a safe and non-threatening manner. A significant part of our mission is also to dispel the misconception that mongrels are ferocious, dirty, or inferior to pedigree breeds. In reality, mongrels are intelligent, healthy, and make exceedingly loyal pets, grateful for the love and care they receive1.

2. Rescue & Rehome

Source: SoSD Singapore Documentation 
Source: SoSD Singapore Documentation 

Some dogs at SOSD waiting for your hand. Source: 

At SOSD, they rescue and rehome as many stray dogs and puppies as our resources allow. For the injured or ill, they provide veterinary care and nursing to restore them to health before finding them loving homes.

Rescue efforts, however, come with significant costs, including trapping operations, boarding fees, and veterinary care. Currently, SOSD does not own a shelter. They rent a few kennels as temporary holding areas for our rescues, but space is limited. They rely heavily on foster homes, as they cannot undertake a rescue if we have no place to house the dog. The demand for rescue far exceeds the number of available fosterers, making the need for an SOSD shelter more urgent than ever. Building our own shelter is a priority, but they cannot do it alone.

Rehoming street dogs in Singapore is a challenging task, but they strive to ensure every adoption is a success. SOSD employs a strict screening process for potential adopters to ensure our rescues find safe and loving homes.

3. Sterilization for Humane Population Control

SOSD believes that sterilization is the most humane and effective method for controlling the stray population. They ensure that all adult dogs are sterilized before adoption and follow up to guarantee that puppies are sterilized when they reach the appropriate age. Additionally, SOSD advocates for a nationwide sterilization program to be implemented by the authorities.

One of the most significant moments in our partnership with SOSD was the recent adoption drive at Handlebar on July 14th, where we served as the Media Partner. The event, which we co-organized with Handlebar, SOSD, Project TFness, and our incredible supporting vendors, was a resounding success. The generosity and passion of the community were on full display as we raised over $1,970, an amount that will be doubled by the Tote Board Matching Fund. This event was not just a fundraiser; it was a powerful statement of what can be achieved when a community comes together with a shared purpose.

Why We Stand with SOSD

Source: TheAsianPawrent Documentation at  Handlebar
Source: TheAsianPawrent Documentation at Handlebar

Our collaboration with Handlebar and SOSD is more than just a partnership—it’s a shared mission to create a better world for all animals. At TheAsianPawrent, we are committed to raising awareness about the importance of adopting rather than shopping for pets, clearing up misconceptions about shelter animals, and fostering a culture of compassion.

One common belief is that shelter pets have behavioral issues. While some may need additional training or socialization, it’s important to remember that their history does not define their potential. With patience, consistency, and love, most shelter pets can become well-adjusted, loving companions.

Another misconception is that shelters are full of older or less desirable breeds. In reality, shelters house a wide variety of pets, including purebreds and mixed breeds, each with their own unique and charming characteristics. Additionally, shelter pets are often healthier than many people assume, as shelters prioritize the health and well-being of their animals by providing necessary vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and regular veterinary care.

By working with SOSD, we aim to dispel these myths and encourage more people to consider adopting a shelter pet. Every adoption is a victory, not just for the animal but for the larger cause of reducing pet overpopulation and preventing unnecessary euthanasia.

How You Can Help

Source: TheAsianPawrent Documentation at Handlebar
Source: TheAsianPawrent Documentation at Handlebar

There are many ways you can support SOSD’s mission, and we at TheAsianPawrent encourage everyone to get involved. Whether it’s through volunteering, fostering, donating, or simply spreading the word, your contributions can make a world of difference.

  • Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to help SOSD in their rescue and advocacy efforts.

  • Foster: Provide a temporary home for a dog in need, offering them love and stability as they wait for their forever family.

  • Donate: Financial contributions, whether direct or through purchasing items from the SOSD Wishlist, are crucial to sustaining their operations.

  • Advocate: Share SOSD’s message with your network, educate others about the importance of adopting shelter pets, and help change the narrative around stray and shelter animals.

Continuing the Journey Together

At TheAsianPawrent, we are proud to stand with SOSD in their fight to protect Singapore’s stray dogs. Our journey with them is ongoing, and we are committed to continuing our efforts to raise awareness, foster compassion, and support the incredible work that SOSD does.

Together, we can make Singapore a safer, kinder place for all furbabies. Every action, no matter how small, brings us closer to a world where every animal is cherished and loved. We invite you to join us on this journey, because when we come together as a community, we can truly change lives—one dog at a time.

Visit our blog to learn more on how to make Singapore a better place for our furry friends. 


  1. SOSD | SOSD Singapore: Animal Welfare. (2022, August 27). SOSD. 

  2. How You Can Save Dogs. (2019d, November 29). SOSD. 

  3. Giving a Second Chance: The Importance of Adopting from an Animal Shelter. (n.d.). Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine | Virginia Tech.,its%20adopter%20is%20truly%20special

  4. 10 Reasons Why You Should Adopt, Don’t Shop! (n.d.). 

  5. Instagram. (n.d.). Us. (2024, July 18). SOSD.


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